Xenofontas Apartments


Xenofontas Apartments

Beautiful spots in Corfu

Must see

While enjoying your stay spend some time to explore the beauties of Corfu island!

The Old Town of Corfu is a historic area full of monuments that reveal its past glory. From Spianada Square, where you can enjoy various events from the island’s philharmonic orchestras to cricket matches, to the French halls surrounding the cafes of Liston, the Old Palaces, and the characteristic bell tower of the Church of Agios Spyridon, they are all part of the island’s history.
Beyond the famous and imposing buildings, the Old Town stands out for its picturesque alleys like those of Campiello. The colorful alleys with their hanging laundry decorate the sky and create a stunning landscape, while the vibrant contrasts captivate every visitor’s admiration. This image creates a magical environment that enhances the beauty of Corfu and leaves you with beautiful memories.

Campielo’s History

Campielo in Corfu is a historical site worth visiting. There you will see the Church of Panagia Antivouniotissa, an impressive 15th-century church that now houses the Byzantine Museum. This museum includes religious artworks from the 15th to the 20th century. Additionally, in Campielo, you will find the house-museum of Dionysios Solomos, the Archaeological Museum of Corfu, the Banknote Museum, the Serbian Museum, and the Kapodistrias Museum. All these museums offer a unique opportunity to explore the history and culture of Corfu through their collections.

The Old Town

The Old Fortress


The Old Fortress of Corfu, also known as the Fortezza, is a place worth spending at least a few hours exploring. It is separated from Spianada by an artificial moat, the Contra Fossa, and when you cross it, you enter another era. 

The Old Fortress was the medieval town of Corfu and was protected by Byzantine walls. Later, the Venetians significantly reinforced the fortifications and defenses of the fortress, resulting in its current form, with some interventions by the British later on. Inside the Fortress, you can see the Church of St. George in Doric style, the British barracks, the Venetian prison, the Mandraki (the old port of the medieval town), the Soranza Gate, and the atmospheric tunnels. All these elements combine to create a unique atmosphere and transport you to another part of Corfu’s past.

The New Fortress of Corfu was built by the Venetians in 1576 as the city was expanding significantly. For its construction, many of the 2,000 houses and churches in the area of Spianada were demolished. The Venetians chose the location of Spilia for the construction of the New Fortress, as the open space of the area contributed to the city’s defense.

The New Fortress is located on the hill of Saint Mark, overlooking the Old Port, and welcomes visitors with the emblem of Venice, the Lion of Saint Mark. You can explore the underground tunnels, see the Bastions of the Seven Winds, and enjoy the amazing view towards the Old Town. Additionally, you can visit the Museum of Ceramic Art located there and, if you’re lucky, attend interesting exhibitions and concerts held in the English barracks.

A visit to the New Fortress will offer you a unique experience, combining history, architecture, and incredible views of Corfu’s landscape

The New Fortress



Achilleion is a summer palace built in 1890 in Gastouri, ten kilometers outside the city of Corfu. 

It was the residence of Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, also known as Sisi. When you visit Achilleion, you can wander through its gardens and enjoy the stunning view. 

You will also admire the impressive statue of Achilles, which is the most remarkable artwork from a significant collection of classical statues and art pieces you will see inside the palace.


Corfu hosts several interesting museums worth visiting. One of them is the Museum of Asian Art, which houses an impressive collection of objects from Asian cultural heritage. You can see Japanese theater masks, Tibetan sculptures, Korean paravans, and other objects representing the diversity of Asian civilizations.

Another significant museum in Corfu is the Palace of St. Michael and St. George. It is the second-largest palace in Greece after the Athens Parliament. Besides its architecture, the palace also houses the Municipal Art Gallery, where you can see a collection of artworks, including pieces by Corfu artists and other renowned Greek artists.

The Sea Museum in Benitses is dedicated to the maritime history of Corfu and presents collections of maritime artifacts, maps, ship models, and related objects. Here, you can explore the rich maritime heritage of the region and learn about the history of Corfu’s naval achievements.

The Folklore Museum of Acharavi is located opposite the ancient Roman baths and showcases the traditional culture and history of the Acharavi region. Here, you will find exhibits related to local folklore, traditions, art, and the daily life of the people who inhabited the area.

Finally, the Casa Parlante Living History Museum offers a unique experience. Through robotic technology, moving human figures, and faithful decoration of a 19th-century urban mansion, it transports you to the daily life of the nobility of that era, offering an authentic taste of the past.

of Corfu

(Mouse Island)

Pontikonisi is a sight that combines natural beauty and cultural heritage, making it one of the most significant points of interest in Corfu. It is located on the southern side of the city of Corfu and offers a breathtaking view of the island. From Kanoni, you will have the opportunity to see the impressive Halikiopoulos lagoon and admire the Panagia Vlacherna, a Byzantine church built on the islet of Vlacherna in the 17th century. Next, you will see the view towards Pontikonisi, which is known for its beautiful nature and the Byzantine church of Pantokrator. Pontikonisi is surrounded by dense vegetation, and you can visit it by small boats from Vlacherna. The nearby airport runway will also capture your attention as you watch planes landing or taking off nearby.

You can also combine your walk with a visit to the bridge that connects the area to Perama, at the entrance of the lagoon.

Paleopolis in Corfu is a destination that allows you to visit the island’s past. Here you will have the opportunity to see the ancient city of Corfu, founded by the Dorians of Corinth in the 8th century BC. The city experienced a significant flourishing during the Hellenistic period and had one of its harbors in the location of the current airport. However, it was abandoned in the 5th century AD due to raids by the Visigoths, and the population moved to the area of the Old Fortress. Today, you can still see some remnants of the Nymphes Tower, the walls of the ancient city above the airport, the ancient agora, the odeon, the Roman baths, the Doric temple of Kardaki, and a small part of the temple of Artemis Gorgo, dating back to the 6th century BC.

A visit to the Mon Repos Palace is also essential. This neoclassical villa, which began construction in 1828, was used as a summer residence by the British High Commissioner Frederick Adam. The interior of the villa is impressive, while its gardens offer a magnificent view of the sea.

Paleopolis in Corfu


The monastery of Paleokastritsa, with a history dating back to the 13th century, is an important attraction in the area. The museum inside the monastery hosts Byzantine icons and other religious treasures, while the view from the hill is truly enchanting.

The central beach of Paleokastritsa is known for its cosmopolitan atmosphere, as well as the surrounding bays and capes that reveal hidden corners with unique charm. The area is filled with beautiful spots and small beaches worth exploring.

Angelokastro is one of the most important Byzantine castles in Greece, located approximately 10 kilometers north of Paleokastritsa Monastery, near the village of Kreni. It is built on a lush green rock and dates back to the 12th century. From the 14th to the 16th century, Angelokastro was used as the capital of Corfu, indicating the significance of the castle.

Inside the castle, you will find sights such as water cisterns, the Church of Taxiarchis, and the deviation of Agia Kyriaki, which is hidden beneath a large rock. To reach Angelokastro, follow the path from the picturesque village of Kreni.

When the sky is clear, you will have an excellent view of the whole of Corfu from the top of the castle.


Canal d'Amour

Canal d’Amour is a popular resort in Sidari, Corfu, and remains an extremely romantic place. The winds and waves have shaped cliffs over time that appear to dance next to the sea. These cliffs have photogenic coves with turquoise waters, corners for sunbathing, and caves for exploration.

The place has earned its name, “Canal d’Amour” (Channel of Love), due to the tradition that couples swimming in the azure waters of this area fall in love forever. It is a enchanting place that offers a combination of natural beauty and romance, making it ideal for romantic walks, sunbathing, and exploring the unique caves of the area.

Lastly, you can visit a plethora of picturesque villages such as the charming Perithia, Afionas, Lakones above Paleokastritsa, Pelekas with its magnificent sunset, Petriti, Benitses, and many more.

Apart from the picturesque villages, you can also swim in the numerous beautiful beaches of the island, such as Halikounas in southwestern Corfu, Agios Gordios, Barbati, Arillas, Kontogialos, Glyfada, and many more.