A few words about
Corfu History
While enjoying your stay spend some time to leanr about the history of Corfu island!
In ancient mythology, it is said that the nymph Corfu was transported there by Poseidon, the god of the sea. The famous hero of the Odyssey, Odysseus, is reputed to have visited Corfu during his journey back to Ithaca. The ancient Phaeacians, who inhabited Corfu, welcomed Odysseus with glory and honors.
Corfu developed as an autonomous city-state in antiquity and was an important commercial and cultural center. It was inhabited by various peoples and influences, including the Phaeacians, Corinthians, Romans, Byzantines, and Venetians.
During the Byzantine Empire, Corfu experienced a period of prosperity and development. However, during the Middle Ages, the island passed into various hands and was subjected to various powers, such as the Franks, Sicilians, and Turks.
In 1386, Corfu was occupied by the Venetians, who maintained control for 400 years. During the Venetian era, Corfu was enriched culturally and architecturally, and many of these buildings are still preserved today in the city of Corfu.
In 1797, Corfu passed under French and then Russian occupation, before finally joining the United States of the Ionian Islands in 1814. The British era lasted until 1864 when Corfu was incorporated into Greek territory.
In the 20th century, Corfu was occupied by the Italians and Germans during World War II. Later, it became part of the Greek democracy and developed as a tourist destination.
Today, Corfu is known for its beautiful architecture, picturesque beaches, cultural heritage, and traditions. It is a popular tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world.